5 Tools for Content Curation to Make $300/day

by | Feb 26, 2024

Discover the secret to earning $300/day with these 5 stellar content curation tools. Simplify your workflow, amplify your message, and monetize your content like a pro. Stay ahead in the game and transform your content strategy now.

Difference between Content curation and content creation:

Content curation: Involves gathering information relevant to a specific topic and presenting it meaningfully and organized. 

It’s about sifting through the sea of information online and sharing the best content in a digestible format. 

On the other hand, Content creation is the process of producing new content, often requiring original thought and generating unique material, be it written articles, graphics, or videos. 

While curation adds value by filtering and contextualizing information, creation is about innovating and adding to the digital world’s repository.

Pros of Content Curation:

Content curation enhances online information by sifting through vast content to present top-quality material. 

This process is crucial for professionals and organizations to establish thought leadership. 

By selecting and sharing relevant articles and media, curators save time and provide value, fostering learning and discussions on trends and best practices.

Content curation has become increasingly important in today’s digital landscape.

 With the rise of social media and access to seemingly endless amounts of information online, it can be overwhelming for individuals and organizations to keep up with what is relevant and valuable.

This is where content curation comes in, as it involves carefully selecting and sharing high-quality material relevant to a specific topic or industry. 

By doing so, curators can save time and provide value to their audience by presenting them with the most essential and helpful information.

How do you become a good content curator?

Becoming an influential content curator requires skillful judgment and strategic selection. 

To excel in this role, one must cultivate the ability to discern high-quality content, understand the target audience’s preferences, and maintain a pulse on industry trends. 

Giving credit to original sources is also crucial, fostering a community founded on trust and collaboration. 

A good content curator thus serves as a trusted filter and guide in an otherwise overwhelming sea of information.

As a content curator, staying updated on industry trends and developments is important. 

This includes looking for new sources of information and staying connected with other experts in the field. 

Doing so ensures that the content you curate is relevant and up-to-date, providing value to your audience.

Another crucial aspect of effective content curation is understanding your target audience. 

This means knowing their interests, preferences, and needs to select content that resonates with them. You can increase engagement and build a loyal following by tailoring your curation to your specific audience.

In addition, a good content curator can identify high-quality content and present it in a meaningful way.

Content curation should provide value.

Content curation extends beyond merely collecting information; it involves a thoughtful process designed to add value to our audience:

  • Selectivity: Choose content that is relevant and impactful.
  • Contextualization: Provide insight and context as to why it matters.
  • Organization: Arrange content in a cohesive, easily navigable format.
  • Updating: Keep content current to maintain relevance.

Content curation should focus on not only amassing information but also enhancing understanding and enriching the audience’s experience. 

Content curators may curate a stream of information that informs, educates, and entertains, ensuring each item has a purpose and adds to the story

This process involves more than just sharing information; it requires the curator to deeply understand their audience and anticipate and meet their needs.

In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with overwhelming information from various sources. 

Content curators must cut through the noise and present high-quality, relevant material that stands out among the sea of content. 

By carefully selecting and organizing content, curators can save their audience’s time and effort by providing valuable information tailored to their interests.

Moreover, context is key in content curation. 

Providing insight and context helps the audience understand the significance of the information presented, making it more meaningful and engaging. It also allows for a deeper understanding of the topic and its relevance to the audience.

How can you make Money with Content Curation?

Offer Content Curation service:

Make $300/day by offering service on freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.

Let’s take an example to explain briefly how you can make money through content curation.

content curation
image from Upwork

In this picture, you can easily see that she offers content curation services on Upwork.

She offers service for just $60/hr and has earned $10000+ in total time.

You can also earn by just offering this service. Please do it for 5 hours daily and make $300/day.

But first of all, you need to learn content curation properly.

Sell Affiliate Product Offers:

Instead of selling ad space directly to advertisers. Consider leveraging your website’s real estate by strategically placing banners showcasing products or services relevant to your audience. 

By doing so, you can generate income through affiliate commissions. Earning a passive revenue stream while providing value to your visitors. 

Additionally, this approach allows you to maintain control over the products or services advertised on your website, ensuring they align with your values and brand image.

Content Curation Tools:

Here is a list of some tools to enhance your content curation.

  1. Flipboard
  2. Pocket
  3. Scoop.it
  4. Sniply
  5. Elink.io


What is a Flipboard?

Flipboard is a content aggregation platform that curates articles, news, and stories based on user interests. 

It presents information in a magazine-like format, allowing users to “flip” through pages digitally. 

This app integrates social media feeds and publications, creating a personalized experience.

How to use Flipboard?

Flipboard is a tool for curating content

  • Start by downloading the app or going to the website. 
  • Create an account. 
  • Then, pick topics you like. 
  • Flipboard makes a magazine for each topic. 

You can flip through articles, save favorites, or make a magazine. Share what you find with others easily.


What is a Pocket?

Pocket is an app for saving articles, videos, and other content to view later. It’s like a digital bookmark. 

You can save things you find online to check them out when you have time. It’s handy, simple to use, and free.

How to use Pocket for content curation?

To use Pocket for content curation:

  • You’ll first need to create an account. Then, install the Pocket browser extension.
  • As you find articles, videos, or any online content you want to save, click the Pocket icon in your browser to add it to your list. 
  • Your saved items can be tagged for easy organization. 

When you’re ready to view your content, open Pocket on any device and explore your curated collection.

Scoop. it :

What is Scoop.it?

Scoop.it is a content curation platform. It lets users pick, share, and organize topic content. 

Businesses and individuals use it to find content and to share it on social platforms or websites. It’s a tool for finding quality information and staying updated in fields of interest.

How to use Scoop.It?

To use it:

  • Start by picking topics of interest. 
  • Once you have topics, search and scoop web content related to them. 
  • Scoop.it lets you edit the content by adding your views. 
  • Then, share your curated collections on your social media or website. 

It’s simple.


What is Sniply?

Sniply is a powerful online tool that lets you add your call-to-action to any webpage you share. 

You can attach a message to your content, directing viewers back to your website, sign-up page, or another destination. 

This boosts your content marketing efforts by enhancing engagement with your shared links.

How to use Sniply?

To use it, first, create an account. 

  • Once logged in, paste the URL of the content you want to share into Sniply. 
  • Then, decide what message or button to display on that page. You can customize the message, button, and even where it appears on the page. 
  • When you’re done, Sniply gives you a new link to share. 
  • This new link contains the original content plus your message. 
  • Share this link on social media or with your audience. 
  • People who click on your link will see the content and your call to action. 

Use Sniply to guide readers back to your site or to promote offers.

Elink.io :

What is Elink.io?

Elink.io is a website creation tool that allows users to collate links and content across the web into a single, streamlined webpage. 

It’s designed for easy curation of resources, newsletters, or portfolios.

Users can select a template and add links, which the platform automatically converts into visual content blocks. 

This tool is ideal for professionals and educators who want to share information or resources in a visually appealing format.

How to use Elink.io?

To use it, sign up and then click ‘Create New.’ 

  • Choose a template for your content collection. 
  • Next, add links to articles, videos, and interesting images. 
  • Elink.io turns these into visual bookmarks. 
  • After adding your links, you can customize the design and write descriptions. 
  • When you’re happy with your collection, share it online. 
  • It’s a simple way to curate and distribute content.
  • Elink.io is a powerful tool for gathering, storing, and sharing web content. 

It provides an easy-to-use platform for creating professional-looking collections of articles, videos, images and more. 

In Short:

To make $300/day, consider these five simple tools for content curation:

  1. Flipboard – Create your magazines on any topic.
  2. Pocket – Save articles to read later, even offline.
  3. Scoop. it – Discover, curate, and share content easily.
  4. Sniply – Add calls to action to the content you share.
  5. Elink.io – Turn web links into newsletters or web pages.

These tools can streamline your process and boost earnings with minimal fuss.

Why Content Curation Matters

Content curation is more than sharing interesting articles or videos on social media. It involves carefully selecting, organizing, and meaningfully presenting valuable content to your audience. With the rise of information overload, users are looking for curated content that can save them time and provide them with relevant information.

Benefits of Content Curation

  • Saves time: Instead of spending hours creating original content, you can easily find and share high-quality content from trusted sources.
  • Builds credibility: By curating valuable content from reputable sources, you establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
  • Increases engagement: Curated content is often more engaging because it provides a variety of perspectives and formats for your audience to consume.
  • Drives traffic: When you curate content from other sources, your audience is likelier to share it, which can drive more traffic to your website or social media channels.

Tips for Effective Content Curation

  1. Know your audience: Understand the interests and needs of your target audience to curate content that resonates with them.
  2. Use multiple sources: Don’t rely on just one source for your curated content. Use a variety of sources to provide diverse perspectives.
  3. Add your commentary: Add your thoughts and insights to the curated content to add value and show your expertise.
  4. Be selective: Quality is more important than quantity in content curation, so be selective in what you share with your audience.
  5. Give credit: Always credit the source when sharing curated content to avoid plagiarism and show respect for the creators.

In conclusion, effective content curation is a valuable skill that can save time, increase engagement, and establish credibility in your niche. 

Using these simple tools and following best practices, you can easily curate high-quality content that resonates with your audience and drives results for your business. 

Keep experimenting and refining your process to find what works best for you and your audience.  

As the digital world grows, content curation will only become more important in providing valuable information to audiences overwhelmed by abundant content. 

So, take advantage of these tools and tips to stay ahead of the game and make $300 a day through content curation. 

Remember, the key is to provide value and relevance to your audience, so always keep their needs and interests in mind when curating content. Happy curating!


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